/The Governor agreed to your advise to support the locally-led integrated approach. This was based on the extensive consultation process that had previously been initiated. While it took some time to complete, it generated a range of suggestions to support initiatives directly proposed by groups of residents in the city, including local tourism projects, support for the diversification of local farming – including organic products –, and improved fisheries management to increase the yield while also ensuring environmental conservation. These were all synergetic and generated new opportunities for local economic activities, while improving community solidarity. The various community members involved were active in designing and implementing the projects, and happy with the support provided by the local government.
The large-scale farmers and rice millers, as well as the construction company, were not involved in these local projects, and did not agree with the strategy. They continued to argue that this approach was not fulfilling the full potential for economic growth in Riverbank City. The national government initially also questioned the strategy on the same basis, but once the outcomes were observed were broadly satisfied with the diversified local economy that emerged.
Meanwhile, the Governor was reelected on the basis of the constructive approach taken to working together with the majority of the city’s residents to support their initiatives. Their support for local development won awards in other countries, raising the profile of Riverbank City and attracting more tourism.
Outcome Analysis:
The decision has been based on extensive inclusion of most stakeholders in the Riverside City (inclusive reciprocity). This path opened up a discussion for a range of development options, including but also beyond the Regional Rice Hub plan (diffuse reciprocity). Local government officers must deal with more complex management and administration, which is also more time consuming. However, in selecting locally-led integrated development trust was generated between the residents and the local government, who worked together to create and implement projects (positive reciprocity). While the option did not include the large-scale economic actors (dam construction company, rice millers and large-scale rice farmers), and arguably did not generate the maximum economic growth, the pathway selected ensured equitable distribution of opportunities.
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