/You have advised to explore if there are other development options available that may address the city's need as well as responding more to people's need. This has raised a mixture of support from some sectors, fishing communities and some residents concerned about the impact of large scale development on the town’s local environment and culture, but also concern from others including the rice millers, large-scale farmers, and some residents worried about electricity shortages. The Governor is concerned about the possibility of delay in promoting a development initiative for the town, given the election next year.
Will you now advise whether to: 1) Conduct a broader study gathering a wide range of viewpoints on what people in Riverbank City see as their needs for their development. This option will generate many ideas, but may risk a disagreement between those aiming for rapid large-scale development and some groups who oppose it. 2) Conduct a primarily technical study on other options for large-scale projects that could meet water and electricity demand including an option for the large-dam but other possibilities for large-scale development as well.
Would you advise to conduct a broader study gathering a wide range of viewpoints or conduct a primarily technical study on other options for large-scale projects?