You have advised to keep the feasibility purely technical. This indicates to the various stakeholders that you are confident that the large dam and its associated Regional Rice Hub plan is the most efficient way to support Riverbank City’s economic growth, and that many people would either directly or indirectly benefit from the project.

The technical feasibility study finds that the large dam can be built at its proposed location, and is economically viable. However, the study identified that the project would require the relocation of 2 villages each with 500 residents, which makes up 4% of the city population. To proceed with the project, following the technical feasibility study, the villages will need to be resettled.

The state has a land acquisition law with a standard relocation compensation package that legally resettles people but that some academics have found does not always provide enough support for affected community members. However, the Governor also has the authority to negotiate directly with the community members to increase the compensation package, although once initiated they can take some time and potentially delay the project for several years.

Will you advise to the Governor to immediately relocate the two villages with the standard package or negotiate the compensation package with the two villages?