/You advised the Governor to proceed with the large dam project, but to continue to negotiate with the affected communities even though it seems that there are few further state resources available that could be offered. While the resettlement process proceeded without strong protests, there remained dissatisfaction with the level of compensation and support that was provided as it was inadequate to replace lost livelihoods.
However, the requirement that negotiations continue did continue to work on finding solutions, and slowly new possibilities were identified including changing how the dam was operated to enable some fishery recovery that supported modest fishing-based livelihoods as well as cage-fisheries in the reservoir. In addition, some revenue from the electricity sales were allocated to fund livelihood programs that supported building new skills of affected communities that in turn was partly covered by increasing the price of the electricity sold from the project. Overall, there is still general dissatisfaction towards the project by those that opposed it, given the impact on affected peoples lives and the environmental impact.
Meanwhile, the rice mill owners and the large-scale rice farmers are satisfied enough, as the Regional Rice Hub continued, even as they had to pay more for the electricity. The dam construction company was also satisfied enough, as the project went ahead, even as it was delayed and redesigned. Macro-economic growth occurred in the city, mainly benefiting these economic elite stakeholders.
Outcome Analysis:
By taking some account of all stakeholders’ interests in your advice, it reflects inclusive reciprocity and led to limited positive reciprocity. Whilst the focus remained on the original planned project, there was between specific and diffuse reciprocity as the possibilities within the original design were explored and widened. Ultimately, the outcome overall did not benefit all residents of Riverbank City directly. The main beneficiaries were the rice mill owners, the large-scale rice farmers, and the dam construction company, whilst significant compromises and harm were borne by the affected communities.
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