You have advised to disperse the protest and proceed directly with the large dam construction. The project’s overall construction proceeded on time, but was very divisive and resulted in numerous subsequent protests.

Following the project’s completion, the Governor received praise from the national government, who considered the project to be a success as it was built within the set budget and timeline. The Regional Rice Hub subsequently was launched as originally planned, and the rice milling companies and large-scale rice farmers were very satisfied with the outcomes. This offers some incentive for new rice farmers and milling companies to come into business, although it remains to be seen if this will occur.

 However, there have been impacts from the large dam, especially on the quantity and biodiversity of fish, which has also directly impacted to fishing communities. The varying water level has also caused riverbank erosion and impacted local tourism businesses. There is still an overall feeling of discontent in the town among many people whose opinion was disregarded, and among those who were made to relocate and lost assets and livelihoods, and as well as those who experienced direct force from the police during the protest dispersal. The project did not benefit the wider population, and there is a widening gap between the economically advantaged and disadvantaged people in the town.

Outcome Analysis:

This outcome is based on a winner-takes-all solution (i.e. negative reciprocity). Decision-making involved a limited group of stakeholders (i.e. specific and exclusive reciprocity), most of whom are economic elites such as the dam contractors, rice mill owners and the large-scale rice farmers, all of who benefit directly from the dam construction. The positive economic impact of the project has benefited mainly this group, while environmental and social impact are emerging that have affected the wider population of the town. The decision-making process was rapid, and not inclusive or precautionary, resulting in a weakening of trust between the government and the majority of the town’s residents.

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