BOOK CHAPTER: Hydropower Politics and Conflict on the Salween River


Publication date:
August 2019

Knowing the Salween River: Resource Politics of a Contested Transboundary River

Chapter Title:
Hydropower Politics and Conflict on the Salween River

Carl Middleton, Alec Scott and Vanessa Lamb

Carl Middleton and Vanessa Lamb

You can access the chapter here.

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For more information about our project Salween Water Governance, please visit here.

This chapter examines the hydropower politics of the Salween River, with a focus on the projects proposed in Myanmar and their connections with neighboring China and Thailand via electricity trade, investment, and regional geopolitics.

Please contact Dr. Carl Middleton for more information.

Citation: Middleton, C., Scott, A. and Lamb, V. (2019) “Chapter 3: Hydropower Politics and Conflict on the Salween River” (pp 27-48) in Middleton, C. and Lamb, V. (eds.) Knowing the Salween River: Resource Politics of a Contested Transboundary River. Cham, Switzerland: Springer