POLICY BRIEF: The Differences in Women’s Development and Employment of Xiao Shaba Village

Publication date: October 2017

Author: Zhong Mei

Download the policy brief here.

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Gender-related issues figure high on global research and policy agendas, especially economic issues such as employment and development inequity between men and women. This research has identified gaps in employment opportunities between men and women and has also identified the related causes of gender inequity in terms of their employment opportunities. The results of this research culminate to contribute to raising awareness of the affected people in the reservoir resettlement area, particularly focusing on the role of women. The research emphasizes the changes in employment circumstances and prospects after resettlement, and compares the income of people before and after the transition.

This study also provides an understanding of the changes in income structure and comparisons between men and women, including their life situations before and after resettlement, differences in employment opportunities, and the changes in the social divisions of labor. The aims of this research are to show that gender inequality is a pressing concern in resettlement areas such as the one studied and in the context of the women specifically, policy constraints and societal norms are present, resulting in the fact that the gender inequality in employment needs to be urgently and effectively addressed.