Transdisiplinary Research
At CSDS, we are committed to solving real world problems, and recognize that new ways of conducting research are needed. Transdisciplinary research seeks to productively combine together many different types of knowledge, including local, practical, political and scientific in a way that deliver results that are both usable in practice whilst also furthering academic insight.
CSDS is aiming to further develop the application of transdisciplinary approaches in the socio-political context of Southeast Asia through our ongoing projects, and to promote the approach through trainings with academics and partners including in the following projects:
“Recovering and valuing wetland agro-ecological systems and local knowledge for water security and community resilience in the Mekong region” (RECOVER): In this project, we utilized a transdisciplinary methodology in three locations in Thailand, Vietnam and Laos aimed to contribute towards the more inclusive ecological governance of wetlands degraded by large water infrastructure and the recovery of associated agro-ecological systems and livelihoods. As part of this project, MAIDS students have visited the Rasi Salai Dam twice following a curriculum created by the community (see their blog here).
“Knowledge Networks of Transdisciplinary Studies” (KNOTS): This project aims to develop transdisciplinary research methods on environmental change, migration and social inequality in Southeast Asia. Through a combination of summer schools and trainings, the project intends to embedded transdisciplinary research methods in the curriculums of the partner university, both for future research projects and student training. Read our blog about the most recent Train the Trainer (TTT) event held at Chulalongkorn University in May 2018.