NEWS: Free access for 7 days for CSDS' book at Routledge: Living with Floods in a Mobile Southeast Asia: Vulnerability, Migration and Environmental Change


Routledge is currently having promotion - which allows seven days of free access between now and the 14th of June to monograph eBooks. After the trial, those who have signed up for the free access can choose to purchase the eBook at the special price of £10 / $15.

One of CSDS’ books, Living with Floods in a Mobile Southeast Asia: Vulnerability, Migration and Environmental Change, is part of this promotion. This book contributes to a better understanding of the relationship between migration, vulnerability, resilience and social justice associated with flooding across diverse environmental, social and policy contexts in Southeast Asia. It challenges simple analyses of flooding as a singular driver of migration, and instead considers the ways in which floods figure in migration-based livelihoods and amongst already mobile populations.

You can access the book in this link here.