UPCOMING PUBLIC SEMINAR: "'The Outsiders Role' for Peace in the South" [6-7 December]

 "'The Outsiders Role' for Peace in the South"

6-7 December 2017 at the Alumni Meeting Room (Floor 12), Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand

Workshop in collaboration with the Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies, Mahidol University

*Please note: The meeting will be conducted in Thai but English translation will be provided.


For a full translation of the event details in Thai, please download document here.

The seminar on “The Outsiders’ Role for Peace in the South” will be focusing on Peace and Security issues in the southern border provinces of Thailand. This seminar is a collaborative effort between Center for Social Development Studies (CSDS), Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University and Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies, Mahidol University. It will explore the roles of outsiders such as academic, civil society, media and policy makers who are not living in the area on their contribution towards peace in the Southern border provinces of Thailand.


Activity Description

This seminar is a national-level activity to provide a platform knowledge exchanges among key stakeholders (academics, scholars, researchers- emerging and seasoned, students, governments, civil society and media) on the role of outsiders and peace processes and the issue of conflict in the Deep South of Thailand. These seminars are to present findings on national level issues, in Thai language, with an aim to reach out to relevant stakeholders.

The seminar divides into two parts. First part is Public Forum: Academics-Practitioners Exchange. This session will be conducted on the first day of seminar where scholars and practitioners who are involved in peacebuilding and peace process in Southern Thailand and other conflicts in the region exchange their lessons-learned and their research findings. This forum aims to generate analysis and discussion on roles and involvement of outsiders and people in wider public on peace process and peacebuilding in Deep South of Thailand through reflecting lessons from regions and in-country. It also includes presentation of studies on minority-majority coexistence or ongoing trends of Islamophobia as one of concerns that outsiders could be involved.

Second part is Multi-stakeholders Platform. This platform will bring together scholars and practitioners who are actively involved in Deep South conflict to discuss on networking and future collaboration for effective peacebuilding process. This session will build upon insights and ideas from the academics-practitioners session on the first day as resource to draw on practical steps.    



Two- day national seminar on Outsiders’ Role for Peace in the South; tentative date is December 6-7, 2017 at Chulalongkorn University. The first day is allocated for academic sessions on “Outsiders’ Role in Peace Process in the South” and the second day will be multi-stakeholders dialogue on the issue in order to explore collaboration and recommendations of people from different sectors. Tentative schedule is below:

schedule 2