UPCOMING PUBLIC SEMINAR: Human of Seafood [26 June 2018]

Human of Seafood

Tuesday 26 June 2018, 13.00 - 16.00 at Ruan Chula Narumit, Chulalongkorn University

Co-organized by MA in International Development Studies program, Asian Research Center for Migration, Center for Social Development Studies, and Oxfam UK  

[This event is in Thai language with an English summary]

Where does your favorite seafood come from? Who are behind the processes? This event aims to be a platform for constructive dialogue among stakeholders in Thailand’s seafood sector including the government, private sector, civil society as well as academics.

Please register here: http://bit.ly/2I10Syv, sustainable seafood cocktails are served after the event.

For more information, please contact Ms. Piyarat, tel 0886804498 or pketkrai@oxfam.org.uk

Human of Seafood.jpg